| Konu Araçları | Görünüm Modları |
06-Aralık-2024, 14:08 | #1 |
Üye No: 1 Kayıt Tarihi: 07-Kasım-2024 Mesajlar: 783 Konular: 776 Nerden: Bursa Takımı: Beşiktaş Meslek: Aldığı Beğeni: 17 Beğendikleri: 6 | mIRC Screen Keyboad / Ekran Klavyesi Kod menu * { mIRC Screen Keyboard:/dialog -mdot $d_ $d_ } dialog jeun { title "Screen Keyboard" size -1 -1 262 110 option dbu button "ESC", 1, 4 3 17 12 button "F1", 2, 21 3 15 12 button "F2", 3, 36 3 15 12 button "F3", 4, 51 3 15 12 button "F4", 5, 66 3 15 12 button "F6", 6, 97 3 15 12 button "F5", 7, 82 3 15 12 button "F7", 8, 112 3 15 12 button "F8", 9, 127 3 15 12 button "F9", 10, 142 3 15 12 button "F10", 11, 158 3 15 12 button "F11", 12, 173 3 15 12 button "F12", 13, 188 3 15 12 button "INS", 14, 203 3 15 12 button "DEL", 15, 218 3 15 12 button "1", 16, 4 42 17 13 button "2", 17, 22 42 17 13 button "3", 18, 40 42 17 13 button "4", 19, 58 42 17 13 button "5", 20, 76 42 17 13 button "6", 21, 94 42 17 13 button "7", 22, 112 42 17 13 button "8", 23, 130 42 17 13 button "9", 24, 148 42 17 13 button "0", 25, 166 42 17 13 button "*", 26, 184 42 17 13 button "-", 27, 202 42 17 13 button "<--BS", 28, 176 57 30 25 button "é", 29, 16 16 12 12 button "!", 30, 29 16 12 12 button "'", 31, 42 16 12 12 button "^", 32, 55 16 12 12 button "+", 33, 68 16 12 12 button "%", 34, 81 16 12 12 button "&&", 35, 94 16 12 12 button "/", 36, 107 16 12 12 button "(", 37, 119 16 12 12 button ")", 38, 132 16 12 12 button "=", 39, 145 16 12 12 button "?", 40, 158 16 12 12 button "_", 42, 171 16 12 12 button "TAB", 43, 3 56 32 13 button "@", 44, 184 16 12 12 button "Q", 45, 37 56 11 13 button "W", 46, 48 56 11 13 button "E", 47, 59 56 11 13 button "R", 48, 70 56 11 13 button "T", 49, 81 56 11 13 button "Y", 50, 92 56 11 13 button "U", 51, 103 56 11 13 button "I", 52, 114 56 11 13 button "O", 53, 125 56 11 13 button "P", 54, 136 56 11 13 button "Ü", 55, 158 56 11 13 button "Ğ", 56, 147 56 11 13 button "CAPS LOCK", 57, 3 69 38 13 button "A", 58, 42 69 11 13 button "S", 59, 53 69 11 13 button "F", 60, 75 69 11 13 button "D", 61, 64 69 11 13 button "H", 62, 97 69 11 13 button "J", 63, 108 69 11 13 button "K", 64, 119 69 11 13 button "G", 65, 86 69 11 13 button "L", 66, 130 69 11 13 button "Ş", 67, 141 69 11 13 button "İ", 68, 152 69 11 13 button ",", 69, 163 69 11 13 button "SHIFT", 70, 3 83 25 12 button ">", 71, 29 83 9 12 button "<", 72, 38 83 9 12 button "Z", 73, 47 82 11 13 button "X", 74, 58 82 11 13 button "C", 75, 69 82 11 13 button "V", 76, 80 82 11 13 button "B", 77, 91 82 11 13 button "N", 78, 102 82 11 13 button "M", 79, 113 82 11 13 button "Ö", 80, 124 82 11 13 button "Ç", 81, 135 82 11 13 button ".", 82, 146 82 11 13 button "<", 83, 4 29 12 12 button ">", 84, 17 29 12 12 button "£", 85, 30 29 12 12 button "$", 86, 56 29 12 12 button "½", 87, 69 29 12 12 button "[", 88, 95 29 12 12 button "{", 89, 82 29 12 12 button "~", 90, 159 29 12 12 button "]", 91, 107 29 12 12 button "}", 92, 120 29 12 12 button "\", 93, 133 29 12 12 button "|", 94, 146 29 12 12 button "#", 97, 43 29 12 12 button "SPACE", 95, 52 96 105 12 button "<--", 96, 209 86 20 11 button "-->", 98, 230 86 17 11 button "UP", 99, 218 76 20 10 button "DOWN", 100, 219 97 20 10 button "CTRL", 101, 2 96 26 12 button "ALT", 102, 28 96 23 12 button "ENTER", 103, 158 82 48 26 button ";", 41, 171 29 12 12 button ":", 104, 183 29 12 12 button "END", 105, 237 42 17 13 button "PAGE UP", 106, 195 29 24 12 button "PAGE DN", 107, 219 29 26 12 button "HOME", 108, 219 42 18 13 button "BREAK", 109, 232 3 24 12 button "qt", 110, 4 16 12 12 } on 1:dialog:jeun:sclick:*: { if ($did) { var %didtext_ = $did($dname,$did).text if ($did == 101) { did -f $dname $did set %didctrl_ OK return ;CTRL } if ($did == 102) { did -f $dname $did set %didalt_ OK return ;ALT } if ($did == 70) { did -f $dname $did set %didshift_ OK return ;SHIFT } if ($did == 57) { if %diatit == Caps Lock [ON] { set %diatit Caps Lock [OFF] } else { set %diatit Caps Lock [ON] } } set %didtxt $iif(*ON* iswm %diatit,$dikarakter(%didtext_),$lower($replacex($dikarakter(%didtext_),İ,i,I,ı))) if (%didshift_) { set %didtxt + $+ %didtxt goto x } if (%didctrl_ && %didalt_) { ;if first CTRL KEY and after ALT KEY pressed set %didtxt ^ $+ % $+ %didtxt goto x } if (%didalt_ && !%didctrl_) { ;ifALT KEY PRESSED and no CTRL set %didtxt % $+ %didtxt goto x } if (!%didalt_ && %didctrl_) { ;if CTRL KEY PRESSED and no aLT set %didtxt ^ $+ %didtxt } :X set %diacord $dialog($dname).x $dialog($dname).y $dialog($dname).cw $dialog($dname).ch dialog -x $d_ .comopen j WScript.Shell noop $com(j, sendkeys,1,bstr,%didtxt) unset %didtxt %didalt_ %didctrl_ %didshift_ .comclose j .timerekran -m 1 1 ekranduzelt } } alias -l ekranduzelt { dialog -dmo $d_ $d_ dialog -s $d_ %diacord dialog -t $d_ Screen Keyboard - %diatit } alias -l dikarakter { return $replacexcs($$1-,+,{+},%,{%},&&,&,F1,{F1},F2,{F2},F3,{F3},F4,{F4},F5,{F5},F6,{F6},F7,{F7},F8,{F8},F9,{F9},F10,{F10},F11,{F11},F12,{F12}, $+ $& TAB,{TAB},DEL,{DELETE},ENTER,{ENTER},INS,{INSERT},<--BS,$+($chr(123),BS,$chr(125)),-->,{RIGHT},<--,{LEFT},UP,{UP},DOWN,{DOWN},SPACE,( ),CAPS LOCK,(),BREAK,{BREAK},HOME,{HOME}, $+ $& PAGE UP,{PGUP},PAGE DN,{PGDN},END,{END},ESC,{ESC},~,$+($chr(123),$chr(126'),$chr(125)),$chr(123),$+($chr(123),$chr(123),$chr(125)),$chr(125),$+($chr(123),$chr(125),$chr(125)), $+ $& $chr(41),$+($chr(123),$chr(41),$chr(125)),$chr(40),$+($chr(123),$chr(40),$chr(125)),qt,",^,{^}) ) } alias -l d_ return jeun |
Etiketler |
ekran, keyboad, klavyesi, mirc, screen |
Konuyu Görüntüleyen Aktif Kullanıcılar: 1 (0 üye ve 1 misafir) | |
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